Filed under: All Cancers, Research
Do you have high-voltage power lines within eyesight of your home or office building? Some have surmised -- for decades now -- that living in close proximity of these power transmission lines can lead to cancer. The reasoning deals with the radiation output of these lines affecting nearby human tissue -- although the radiation output is fairly minimal.In a recent Australian study, though, residents there who lives within 300 meters of a high-voltage power line had a 300 percent increase in cancer risk, and that living near these power transmission lines early in life (and then, anytime) could possibly increase one's risk of developing leukemia and lymphoma.
Although this study contradicts several more than state living near power lines is safe, what do you think? Do you have these power transmission lines near you, and do you feel safe?Read | Permalink | Email this | Linking Blogs | Comments
[Source: The Cancer Blog]
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